Austin, TX


Austin, TX

Austin, TX is best known for being weird, but it’s also wired. Lionlink’s Austin, TX data center facility boasts incredible connectivity, 100% power uptime, and is a state-of-the-art facility with industry-leading security features. This data center serves international, national, and local businesses across all industries and is built to rapidly scale to meet growing demand.


7301 Metropolis Drive, Bldg #6
Austin, TX 78744

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    • Will support up to 70,000 sq. ft. data center/41,000 colo square feet (CSF), with 3 adjacent land pads available for growth
    • SSAE 16 (SOC I type II), PCI DSS (sec 9 & 12), HIPAA, ISO 27001, FISMA
    • CyrusOne Facilities are designed to meet TIA-942 requirements for electrical and mechanical.
    • High-Performance Computing (HPC) capable, supports 250 wpsf with the ability to support over 1,000 wpsf
    • Ability to hold up to 9 MW of critical capacity
    • Carrier-neutral, as well as dark-fiber connectivity option
    • Wholesale and retail colocation options
    • Part of CyrusOne National IX
    • 100% uptime service level agreement on power
    • 24×7 staffed NOCC and remote hands support
    • Dedicated cages and private suite options available
    • Worksite recovery: customizable to fit client needs
    • Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus (VESDA) system; sampling air in parts per million coupled with a zonal
      dual-action interlocking dry-pipe system
    • 16 hotels and 15+ restaurants within three-mile radius of the data center
    • Seven minutes from Austin – Bergstrom International Airport
    • Secure parking for customers and visitors
    • Up to 9MW of critical capacity
    • Supports 480 volt with TVSS
    • Two 400 MW capacity substations with dual underground, concrete-encased feeds from electrical substations
    • Multiple levels of redundancy available within same footprint (e.g. N, 2N)
    • Multiple MGE 8000 625kVA UPS systems; each power leg has a dedicated UPS with battery backup
    • 300 kVA dual input PDUs with automatic transfer switches
    • Dual input PDUs with static transfer switches
    • Scalable 2.25 MW Detroit Diesel dedicated generators pre-wired for additional capacity
    • 3,300 belly tank and 12,000-gallon external tank
    • Batteries are isolated in a different room from the UPS
    • Up to 9MW of critical capacity
    • Supports 480 volt with TVSS
    • Two 400 MW capacity substations with dual underground, concrete-encased feeds from electrical substations
    • Multiple levels of redundancy available within same footprint (e.g. N, 2N)
    • Multiple MGE 8000 625kVA UPS systems; each power leg has a dedicated UPS with battery backup
    • 300 kVA dual input PDUs with automatic transfer switches
    • Dual input PDUs with static transfer switches
    • Scalable 2.25 MW Detroit Diesel dedicated generators pre-wired for additional capacity
    • 3,300 belly tank and 12,000-gallon external tank
    • Batteries are isolated in a different room from the UPS
    • Reinforced physical structure, including concrete bollards and steel-lined wall options for security, and bullet-resistant glass
    • Video surveillance and recording of the exterior and interior
    • On-site security guards 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
    • Triple authentication man traps, revolving entrance doors; biometric and key card (color coded) security for rigid
      access control
    • Cabinet and cage security options include individual locks and biometric scanners
    • Perimeter fence
    • CyrusOne Zero Water Consumption Cooling: No water is consumed to cool this facility (such as water towers or evaporative cooling).  Minimal amounts of water are used for humidification and facility maintenance. This facility uses highly efficient chillers, variable frequency drives, and energy-efficient CRAH units to achieve high efficiency air-cooled chilling.  An average US data center of the same size typically consumes over 800 thousand gallons of water per month for cooling.
    • Regional Water Stress: The Austin area currently faces low to medium water stress, which is projected to increase to high stress in the future.  Unlike many other data centers, CyrusOne AUS2 facility does not use water for cooling and is therefore insulated from this regional water risk, both current and future.
    Water Risk and Use Now 2030 Projection 2040 Projection
    Regional Water Stress Low to Medium Medium to High High
    CyrusOne Water Use Zero Consumption Zero Consumption Zero Consumption

    (Risk assessment and projections based on WRI Aqueduct Tool)

    • Regional Grid Greenhouse Gases: How much greenhouse gas does this facility’s local electrical grid emit while generating electricity?  (Useful for Location-based greenhouse gas reporting)
    Greenhouse Gases 2004 2007 2012 2016 2018
    MTCO2/MWh 0.644 0.568 0.518 0.458 0.423
    • The carbon intensity of the grid has improved about 2.3% points per year over the last 14 years of published data. Reported by the US EPA eGRID for the ERCOT subregion (ERCT).
    • Regional Grid Renewables: What percentage of this facility’s local electrical grid is from renewable sources (wind, solar, biomass, hydro, and geothermal)?
    Grid Renewables 2004 2007 2012 2016 2018
    Percent from renewable sources 1.3% 2.7% 8.6% 14.5% 18.2%

    This has been increasing about 1.2% points per year over the last 14 years of published data.  Based on US EPA eGRID data for the ERCOT subregion (ERCT).